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The Argumente
This section is a combination of the notes found in a Geneva 1560 translation of the Bible, a 1537 Matthews bible translation, along with independent commentary of which the author is including as a result of his studies and experiences in his life. When he first discovers these older translations, it takes him awhile to get used to the spelling of Old English, and when he discovers an even older translation the author is fascinated with how much the spelling of words evolves within the less than thirty years of when the two translations are created.The author uses antiquated spellings while forming the text of the new translation, but reverts to modern grammar when forming the text of this section.
The translations the author utilizes are a Geneva 1560, a Matthews 1537, a Young’s 1898, a Young’s Concordance.
Moses, in effect, is declaring the things, which are here, chiefly to be considered: First, that the world and all things therein are created by IAH; and that man being placed in this great tabernacle of the world to behold the wonderful works of IAH, and to praise His Name for the infinite graces, wherewith he does endue him, falls willingly from IAH through disobedience: who yet for his own mercies sake restores him to life, and confirms him in the same by the promise of Christ to come, (a) by whom he shall overcome Satan, death, and hell. Secondly, that the wicked, unmindful of the most excellent benefits of IAH, remain still in their wickedness, and so falling most horribly from sin to sin, provoking IAH, ( whoby his preachers call them continually to repentance ) at length to destroy the whole world. Thirdly, He assures us by the example of Abraham, Izhaak, Iaakob and the rest of the patriarchs, that His mercies will not ever fail them, whom He is choosing to be His body, and to profess His Name in earth, but in all their afflictions and persecutions He forever assists them, sending comfort, and delivers them. And because the beginning, increase, preservation, and success thereof might be only attributed to IAH, Moses is showing by examples of Kain, Ishmael, Esua and others, which are noble in mans judgment, that this body depends not on the estimation and nobilities of the world: and also by the fewness of them, which do at all times worship Him purely according to His word, that it is standing not in the multitude, but in the poor and despised, in the small stock: and little number, that man in his wisdom might be confounded, and the Name of IAH ever more praised.
In the first chapter of Genesis, IAH creates the heavens and earth, the light and the darkness, the firmaments; He separates the water from earth; He creates the sun, the moon, and the stars; He creates the fish, birds, beasts; He creats man and gives him rule over all creatures, and provides nurture for man and beast. (b) This author believes that the Christ that once is a living man on this planet, and actually appears throughout time in different eras, or aeons, and that the word “Christ” can also pertain to the light that is in each and every one of us. The Christ is not a man, but a spirit within man and everything else: an energy. He once believes the “Jesus” story as it is written in bibles, but not any more. Les believes that the “Jesus” in the New Testament is actually an imposter:: II Corinthians 11.14 :: And that the “Jesus” depicted in the story of the New Testament is actually the Anti-Christ. He arrives at this conclusion with :: Matthew 24.24 :: There are many brilliant, extremely brilliant Christians on this planet, and have been all throughout time, but even the most brilliant mind is prone to making an occasional miscalculation. Many men try to determine who the anti-christ will be, or who it is. But the scripture says that nobody will know, so there can only be one person that nobody can, or anyone will suspect, and that is the Christ depected in the New Testament; especially since that character is already an imposter to begin with. If one believes that they will be saved by a man, then that one will be waiting forever, because a man is just a material being. It is the spirit that saves, not a man.
In the Young’s translation a singular heaven is not mentioned. Throughout the entire translation, where other translations mention ‘heaven’ as a single place, it mentions ‘heavens.’